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6 Subtle Ways Your Body Is Telling You That You May Have Gut Inflammation

Ever get the feeling your gut might be trying to send you a message, but it’s speaking a language you’re not quite fluent in? Yeah, the struggle is real. Kenneth Brown, MD, a gastroenterologist from Plano, Texas, shared some insights about subtle gut inflammation symptoms you might not be tuning into.

  1. Digestive Disruption: Your gut might be trying to tell you something if you’re constantly dealing with gas, bloating, or other tummy troubles. Dr. Brown explains that bloating, especially, could be a sign of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), where bacteria hang out where they shouldn’t. This disruption can lead to discomfort, constipation, or diarrhea, and in severe cases, even inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
  2. Skin Stories: Turns out, your skin might be in cahoots with your gut. When your gut’s inflamed, your skin might show it with flare-ups of acne, psoriasis, or eczema. Dr. Brown mentions that an imbalanced gut microbiome could be the culprit here, messing with your skin’s barrier function and leaving you feeling drier than usual.
  3. Cravings and Sugar: Got a hankering for something sweet? It might not just be your sweet tooth talking. Dr. Brown points out that a diet high in processed foods and sugar can mess with your gut microbiome, making you crave even more sugar. But fear not, giving your gut some fiber and polyphenols might help quiet those sugar cravings.
  4. Weight Woes: Unexpected weight loss without changing up your routine? Dr. Brown warns that this could signal something serious, like inflammation from conditions such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease. It could also be a sign of malabsorption, so don’t hesitate to reach out to your doc if the pounds are dropping without you trying.
  5. Mood Swings and Brain Fog: Feeling moody or foggy? Blame it on the gut-brain connection. Dr. Brown explains that your gut bacteria can communicate with your brain, influencing your mood and behavior. Plus, your gut produces neurotransmitters like serotonin, so if it’s not in tip-top shape, your mood might take a hit.
  6. Fatigue and Sleep Troubles: Trouble catching Z’s? Your gut might have a hand in that too. Dr. Brown notes that serotonin, which helps regulate sleep, is produced in the gut. So if your gut’s inflamed, it could mess with your sleep cycle, leaving you feeling tired during the day and wide awake at night.
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