In 2024, Wolverine, one of Marvel’s iconic characters, reaches a significant milestone as he turns 50. Since his debut in 1974’s “Incredible Hulk” #181, Wolverine has become a beloved figure in the Marvel Universe. To commemorate this occasion, Marvel is launching a new Wolverine comic series helmed by writer Saladin Ahmed and artist Martín Cóccolo, known for his work on “Immortal Thor.”
The new Wolverine series will see Logan returning to his origins in the Canadian wilderness, where he encounters an ancient villain lurking beneath the surface of the Marvel Universe. This mysterious adversary, rooted in myth, poses a formidable challenge to Wolverine, who is accompanied by his long-time ally Nightcrawler.
Marvel describes the series as delving into the conflict within Wolverine as he grapples with his identity and the primal instincts that define him. As the story unfolds, Logan must confront his inner turmoil and unleash his berserker rage to overcome the emerging threat.
According to Marvel, the introduction of this new villain will be a significant addition to Wolverine’s lore, promising collectors a key first appearance. Writer Saladin Ahmed expresses his enthusiasm for the project, emphasizing Wolverine’s enduring appeal as a complex character torn between his animalistic nature and his heroic ideals.
While fans initially speculated that superstar artist Greg Capullo would be involved in the new Wolverine comic, it is confirmed that Martín Cóccolo will serve as the series artist. However, Capullo’s potential contribution to a Wolverine story remains a mystery, possibly hinting at future developments in the X-Men universe.
The announcement of the new Wolverine series is part of Marvel’s broader relaunch of the X-Men line, titled “From the Ashes,” which includes several core X-Men titles and spin-offs. With Wolverine at the forefront, fans can anticipate an exciting new chapter in the character’s saga.