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Study says neuropathy is very common, but underdiagnosed.

A new study published in the medical journal Neurology has found that neuropathy, a condition causing pain, numbness, weakness, or tingling in the hands and feet due to nerve damage, is both common and underdiagnosed. The research was conducted through a collaboration between the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and Hurley Medical Center in Flint, Michigan.

Lead author Dr. Melissa Elafros, an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School, stated that neuropathy can lead to serious complications, including falls, infections, and even amputations. The condition also has a profound impact on quality of life, often causing sleep disturbances, disability, and depression. Unfortunately, there is currently no treatment that can modify the disease, so medical practitioners focus on pain management and preventing complications.

The study assessed 169 participants from an outpatient internal medicine clinic that predominantly serves Medicaid patients in Flint. The average age of the participants was 58, and 69% were Black. The findings showed that the rate of neuropathy in this group was much higher than the accepted prevalence rate of 13.5%. In fact, 73% of the study’s participants had neuropathy, with 75% of those cases undiagnosed. This suggests that many people with neuropathy are not aware of their condition, missing opportunities to manage symptoms and prevent further complications.

The research also highlighted a link between neuropathy and metabolic syndrome, with 67% of participants having this syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is defined by excess belly fat and at least two other risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high blood sugar, or low HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Those with metabolic syndrome were over four times more likely to have neuropathy compared to those without.

Additionally, about half of the participants had diabetes, a known risk factor for neuropathy. Despite the high prevalence of neuropathy in the study, fewer than 20% of participants knew they had it. Dr. Elafros pointed out that this lack of awareness is concerning, as it means patients may not be taking steps to prevent complications.

Interestingly, the study found no link between income and neuropathy, and Black participants were at a lower risk compared to other racial groups. However, Dr. Elafros cautioned that these findings are based on a single clinic’s data and may not represent the broader population.

The study received funding from various institutions, including the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Experts agree that the study underscores the need for greater awareness and screening for neuropathy, especially in underserved communities. Dr. Maxwell Levy, an assistant professor of neurology at Tulane University School of Medicine, emphasized that neuropathy often starts with subtle symptoms, such as slight numbness or tingling in the feet. Without early diagnosis and treatment, the condition can progress, leading to permanent disability and other complications.

The researchers plan to continue studying neuropathy to better understand its development and impact. Meanwhile, Dr. Elafros highlighted the challenge of screening for neuropathy in a busy clinic environment and emphasized the importance of collaboration to improve care for neurological conditions in communities like Flint.

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