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After Navalny death, Cheney warns of Republican Party ‘Putin wing’

GOP’s former Representative Liz Cheney voiced a grave concern on Sunday, cautioning against what she termed as the emergence of a “Putin wing” within the Republican Party. This warning followed former President Donald Trump’s response, or rather lack thereof, to the death of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, which notably omitted any mention of Navalny or Russian President Vladimir Putin.

During an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union,” Cheney stressed the importance of preventing this “Putin wing” from gaining control of the White House. She highlighted the stark contrast in the tones struck by President Joe Biden and Trump in their reactions to Navalny’s death.

While Biden unequivocally held Putin responsible for Navalny’s death, Trump’s response, conveyed through various unrelated social media posts, notably avoided direct mention of Navalny. Cheney drew attention to Trump’s prior remarks, where he seemed to endorse Russia’s actions against NATO members who don’t meet spending targets, a stance that NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg criticized for undermining global security.

Cheney criticized Trump’s comments as dangerous and indicative of a misunderstanding of America’s international role. She also expressed concerns about the potential consequences of Trump’s approach to foreign policy, contrasting it with what she perceived as a safer stance under his administration.

GOP Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina echoed sentiments favoring Trump’s approach, arguing that Trump’s administration made the world, including Ukraine, safer. Scott labeled Putin as a “murderous dictator” and emphasized the need to counter his actions, particularly in light of Navalny’s death.

Regarding her own political future, Cheney disclosed that she has not decided on a potential third-party presidential run but affirmed her commitment to opposing Trump. She reiterated her willingness to take whatever steps necessary to prevent Trump’s return to power.

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