Biologists are delving into the mysterious world of one of Kansas’ most enigmatic nocturnal creatures: the flying squirrel. Despite Kansas being synonymous with vast...
Hugh Cran, a British veterinarian who spent 55 years practicing in Kenya, recently shared an incredible story from his time in Africa. Recalling his...
Recent social media chatter sparked speculation about a possible mountain lion sighting in a Columbia neighborhood northeast of downtown. However, some online users suggested...
In a significant move for wolf conservation efforts, two endangered Mexican gray wolves have been reintroduced into the Peloncillo Mountains of southern Arizona. Wildlife...
These “megabats” found in continental Africa are truly impressive creatures. Known as hammer-headed bats, they earn their name from the peculiarly elongated, boxy heads...
Researchers and conservationists celebrated a significant milestone at the 8th annual Eastern indigo snake release, as 41 eastern indigo snakes were reintroduced into their...
Venturing into the habitat of the elusive lesser prairie chicken is no ordinary task. It involves a stealthy entrance into a rebar-fortified bird blind...