Marvel is considering a seismic shift in its cinematic universe by potentially casting Dwayne Johnson as Apocalypse in the upcoming X-Men movie reboot. Known...
Marvel Studios and ILM Immersive have unveiled “What If…? – An Immersive Story”, a groundbreaking interactive experience exclusively designed for Apple Vision Pro. This...
Marvel Studios, the powerhouse behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), is making headlines with its transition to a “reduced output” strategy, as confirmed by...
In 2024, Wolverine, one of Marvel’s iconic characters, reaches a significant milestone as he turns 50. Since his debut in 1974’s “Incredible Hulk” #181,...
“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” nearly included a playful nod to a glitch from Insomniac’s “Miles Morales” game, showcasing a fun connection between the animated...
In Marvel’s upcoming team-up film “Thunderbolts,” there’s been a significant change in the cast lineup. Ayo Edebiri, initially slated for a role in the...