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Then he set a world record for the 200-pound creature, which was initially just a fisherman’s ‘consolation prize.’

Art Weston, a seasoned angler from Kentucky, is no stranger to breaking world records when it comes to fishing. With numerous accolades under his belt, Weston recently achieved yet another remarkable feat, this time at Sam Rayburn Lake near Lufkin, Texas.

Awaiting confirmation from The International Game Fish Association, Weston’s latest catch is a whopping 188-pound alligator gar. If certified, this catch would not only set a new world record but also surpass the previous record for a catch on a 4-pound line, which Weston describes as one of the most challenging achievements in fishing.

This isn’t Weston’s first encounter with alligator gars. In 2023, he reeled in a massive 283-pounder, adding to his list of world records. Despite the impressive size and strength of these creatures, Weston believes they are often underestimated as game fish.

Weston embarked on his April expedition to Sam Rayburn Lake fully prepared to pursue world records. Accompanied by his guide, Kirk Kirkland, Weston had meticulously planned for this trip for months. Although they initially targeted a 250-pound alligator gar on the first day, they faced several missed opportunities before landing Weston’s “consolation prize.”

During the expedition’s first day, Weston and Kirkland unexpectedly caught a colossal alligator snapping turtle, estimated to weigh around 200 pounds. While not a record-breaking catch, it was a memorable encounter with a creature that Weston describes as resembling an alien or humanoid.

However, it was on the second day that Weston’s persistence paid off. Despite a slow start, they managed to hook the record-breaking alligator gar, thanks to Kirkland’s expert boat maneuvering. Within minutes, they had successfully captured, documented, and released the 7-foot-long gar back into the water.

Looking ahead, Weston has his sights set on breaking his remaining two line class world records. With his latest catch potentially marking his 10th alligator gar world record, Weston remains committed to his passion for fishing and conservation efforts. He credits his success to Kirkland’s exceptional boat handling skills and their shared dedication to preserving these remarkable creatures.

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