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Thatch is revolutionizing small business health insurance by providing an innovative solution.

Navigating the complexities of healthcare coverage can be a challenge for small businesses, but Thatch is offering a solution with its innovative health benefits platform. Founded by Adam Stevenson and Chris Ellis, Thatch initially focused on connecting clinical trials with patient data. However, they soon recognized the pressing need to address the high costs of healthcare facing many individuals and employers.

Thatch embarked on its journey by conducting thorough research and engaging in direct conversations with cancer patients. These discussions shed light on the struggles associated with employer-provided health insurance plans. Armed with these insights, Adam and Chris set out to create a platform that would simplify benefits administration for both companies and employees.

At the heart of Thatch’s approach is the Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA), which offers flexibility as an alternative to traditional group insurance. Through the use of technology, Thatch enables companies to budget for healthcare costs while empowering employees to select plans that best suit their needs.

The platform stands out for its efficiency and simplicity, revolutionizing benefits administration with a streamlined setup process that takes just five minutes. This not only saves time but also eliminates the complexities of documentation and reduces reliance on specialized brokers.

Beyond cost savings, Thatch fosters employee engagement and satisfaction by granting them control over their healthcare choices. With happier and healthier employees, companies benefit from increased morale and productivity.

Thatch’s impact extends beyond individual businesses, as it advocates for openness, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in an industry riddled with inefficiencies. By promoting these principles, Thatch is working towards improving accessibility to quality healthcare for all individuals.

With its user-friendly design and commitment to customer satisfaction, Thatch aims to revolutionize healthcare benefits administration for businesses of all sizes. By providing a modern solution that simplifies processes, reduces costs, and empowers individuals, Thatch is leading the way towards a healthier future for employers and employees alike.

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